Thursday, 25 September 2014

Jannah: Muslim's Ultimate Destination

لُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ ۖ ثُمَّ إِلَيْنَا تُرْجَعُونَ
Every soul shall taste death, then to Us you shall all return

Death is inevitable. When Allah says your time is out, and your time is out, no matter when or where. Every single being will reach this inescapable fate, regardless of their age, health, background, social status or piety. However, death is also a reality which also most of us try to not keep in mind. As a Muslim, we believe death is not the end of our existence, but as a passage which takes us from this world to the hereafter that last forever. Speaking about death, most of us has that sense of impending doom, but it depend on how many goods that one has made during his lifetime. Everyone knows death is beyond escapable, then I have a question in mind, have I prepared? Imam Ali bin Abu Talib (a.s.) has beautifully described the preparation for death as follows:

 “Fulfilling the obligations, refraining from forbidden things, and acquiring noble character.”

Death shouldn't be a disaster. We need it, who want to live forever in this world btw? Immortality is OK but not here in this cruel world we're living. Death should make us reflect and ponder about the purpose of life, and what will become of us after death. Then here Allah has stated what is our real purpose of life in Quran:

“And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” 

I was so busy with the world and death is something that I forgot to prepare for. Faith there's ups and downs, Answer to that question. no I am not yet prepared. 

Let listen to these beautiful bytes of lyrics, a nasheed song from Nirwana:

Aku Tanpa CintaMu
Mirwana bersama Jay Jay
Lagu/Lirik : Mujahid Abdul Wahab

Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri
Aku takkan tempuh lagi

Apakah Kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku

Mengapa cintaMu tak pernah hadir
Subur dalam jiwaku
Agarku tetap bahagia
Tanpa cintaku tetaplah Kau di sana
Aku tanpa cintaMu
Bagai layang-layang terputus talinya

Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi

Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah Kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku

Masihkah ada sekelumit belas
Mengemis kasihMu Tuhan
Untukku berpaut dan bersandar
Aku di sini kan tetap terus mencuba
Untuk beroleh cintaMu
Walau ranjaunya menusuk pedih

Wassalam wrt.