How Does Meth Acts to Your Body?
Methaphentamine (read:methyl +amphentamine) merupakan sejenis recrecational drugs commonly use by students espc yg berada kat IPT , but recently I’ve come to know that meth is also became another ‘drug of choice’ among our school children. *sounds terrified huh?* This is a real challenge that our govt has to tackle from the root cause of it in creating a safer environment for our future generation to grow. Selain drp isu super duper boros habit by jibby’s wife spending all the rakyat’s money, this issue also should be brought into spotlight to sit and discuss to find the solution. There are few local terms orang guna pakai utk refer to this bendalah but these are few contoh that were common used in our society, ex: coutut, batu, bebong, ais baby. chem, cf, chill, etc.
Badan kita bertindak balas dengan crystal meth ni hampir sama seperti keadaan badan kita response kepada bahaya. Chemical from the meth stimulates the body to load with adrenaline, seperti yg kita tahu adrenaline adalah sejenis hormon which gives a super charge strength and endurance for our body so it can deal with dangers and injuries. Any substance that alter the person the way of thinking, feeling and what they see, it must first to cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) for example ubat ubatan psychoactive spt valium, the action is qiute similar mcm crystal meth.*BBB ni function dia nak protect brain from germs dan bertindak sbg gateway access to the central nervous system (CNS)* Jangan kompius sbb BBB xlah kuat bukan mcm JPJ roadbloack pon, it’s just a sleeve like filter of tightly packed fat cell yg embedded pada tiny blood vessel sbelom it reaches the brain. Bile chem enters our body (through smoke enters the lungs, dissolve in alveoli then enters the blood, blood transpoted to the heart then it was pumped up to the brain) this process take place dalam less than 15 saat jer. Fast enough? God is great right. So mendalah ape yg ade di seberang sana BBB? it's a farm to Millions or trillions of neurons. Mendalah ape plak neurons ni? Sudah..haha neurons adalah sejenis sel saraf. Tugas neurons adalah utk produce, store up and release neurotransmitter. Once chem tadi dah cross BBB, neurons akan absorbs dan ter-soaked dengan chem, ini menyebabkan these neurotransmitters ditolak keluar dari neurons dan diganti dengan chem yg kita sedut tadi. Hahaha agk kuang ajor disitu dah la menceroboh, halau plak tuan rumah? Chem dlm batu tu serupa dan bertindak same sebijik mcm neurotransmitters yg dah kene halau tadi.*process ini berulang selagi kita sedut chem masok, chem yg dah ade dlm neurons td akn di kicked out ke dlm bloodstream* Neurotransmitters (chem pon acted the same) ni kemudian di released into the bloodstream dan mula bagi info kat kite punye badan utk bertindak. Tugas neurotransmitters adalah utk hantar some sort of “warning/emergency alert” to our kidney, GIT, lungs and to the glands that made our hormone.
Bercakap pasal hormone ni plak, neurotransmitter arahkan glands to produce large amount of hormone seperti: Dopamine – gives a sense of reward or pleasere. Too little Dopamine boleh menyebabkan parlysis atau parkinson-like disease meanwhile too much Dopamine plak bleh menyebabkan seseorang tu paranoid contoh macam dengar suara atau get twisted thought. Pernah rase x? Hehe. Serotonin – Job dia adalah utk induce tido dan juga diguna dlm sensory perception badan. It also play a role in depession, sex and regulating body temperature. Kebanyakan emotional disorder has something to do with Serotonin sperti phobia, schizophrenia, or OCD. Too much serotonin dlm badan juga boleh delay(or almost impossible)utk seseorang itu mencapai orgasm. Norepinephrine – to increase alertness and concentration. It also membantu to ease the pain and regulating kite pnye blood pressure. Norepinephrine juga berperanan utk triggered basic instinct seperti hunger, sex and thirst. These are all include dlm kite punye nervous system as what we know job utama nervous system is to channel communication from our brain to the entire body system (dan sebaliknya), so bile kita hisap batu, our nervous system will shift into high gear mode, senang citer we actually “floods” the body with load of emergencies or danger alert messages. Common body responses to danger includes: pupil gets larger to let in more light, hair stand on end (mcm meremang bulu roma tapi bukan meremang), blood vessel akan constrict, and body temperature akan increase.
Habes part CNS, so we move our concern to Dental and Oral part. Chem causes the blood vessel to constrict (dah mention di atas) termasuklah vessel yg supply blood to the mouth and oral tissue to shrink up. This causes the mouth to dry up due to less saliva produce. Saliva neutralizes acids in the mouth, and less saliva means more acids. Acids build up and eat all mineral yang ade pada enamel gigi dan menyebabkan lobang. Untreatred lobang (cavities) may lead to tooth decay. Jadi gunalah Colgate Total selalu haha. Let’s see how does our liver react to chem pulak, seperti yg kita tau liver ni berkerjasama dgn kidney utk clear blood drp drugs and poison that might otherwise build up in the body. Liver ni akn break down meth to a simpler chemical molecules so that it can be excreted out. Concern dia bile dah hisap batu, liver ni akan terlalu byk tugas menyebabkan chem and other substaces kat dlm badan kita terpaksa bersaing utk di proses. Bile dah delayed processing ni chem build up boleh lead to toxicity and this is f*cking dangerous as it can cause fatalities. Scary huh? so quit. haha
Then we take a view dekat kidney, chem causes the blood flow to kidney kita berkurang due to vessel constriction tadi. Less blood means less work, kidney will produce less urine. Toxic waste xleh keluar so badan akan recycle balik msok ke bloodstream. Once toxic ni dah samapi brain, itu yang menyebabkan confusion and headache. Kalau urine dah terkumpul dalam bladder, urine retention bleh sebabkan infection. Then the digestive system (GIT) plak, chem akan slower down kita punye GIT main role which is digestion dengan memperlahankan/stop tros movement peristalsis normally does by the tract.
Sekian info, haha terima kasih sebab sudi membaca artikel ini. So, kalau anda salah sorg pengguna, try to reduce then to stop. It causes more harms than good, this is an experience based advice from deep inside my heart. Gituuu.
Assalamualaikum wrt.